Keith Johnson wrote:
...I am looking for something more strategic, a project plan, testing plan. Something to present to management on scope, length of project, extent of testing required...
that all kind of depends on your current setup, doesn't it? What's the usage of your BW system? How many flows have you setup? How many objects do you have?
Quite a few things have changed between 7.01 & 7.3, so prepare to test "standard" DataSources (all the way up the flow), but more importantly: check all customer flows (own DataSources) & developments.
Some of the issues we encountered:
- unpermitted characters (we had to change ALL_CAPITAL to ALL_CAPITAL_PLUS_HEX)
- statistics loads crashed (start times ended in 59.5 which results in 60 seconds after rounding... and that's an impossible value)
- hierarchies with node unassigned => OSS 1791201
- quite a lot of reporting issues => OSS 1790984, 1819558, 1825523
- SAP Logon => make sure that the language that's set in the default, is installed on BW (or change the default language in SAP Logon)