Hi Satya,
I have a 3 buttons.
1. Repost Button (with Planning Sequence)
2. Save Button (SAVE_DATA command)
3. Refresh Button (REFRESH_DATA command)
Am using the same steps as you told..
Firstly executing Repost Button. Doing my repost activity.
Secondly executing Save button for saving the data in the realtime cube.
Third executing Refresh button.
Next when I try again Step 1. Repost Button, system pops " The sequence PS - Repost Status was executed without errors" . But I want to do a repost again, which am not able to do.
So, It doesnt work for executing the Planning Sequence (PS) for the second time.
PS hold a Planning Function (PF) and a Filter.
PF holds Repost function with 2 variables for From and To fields , (user provides this at planning run time)
Filter hold a Product variable where user choose the product at planning run time.