Hi is it possible to pass alphanumeric values into customer exit variables in cmod.
We have a need to use virtual key figures for calculating 2week spend, but this will all be based on invoice ID - the invoice ID is INV12345.
I have done many CMOD customer exits using dates etc, but when I try and pass an alphanumeric value it comes back with the error
ABEND RS_EXCEPTION (000): The argument 'INV12345' cannot be interpreted as a number
MSGV1: The argument 'INV12345' cannot be interpreted as a
Is it actually possible to pass alphanumeric values, do I have to use a different range structure instead of
or type my internal range to something different as I currently have that defined as
DATA: l_s_var_range TYPE rrs0_s_var_range.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, even if it is just a case of this cant be done