Hi guys,
i have the follwing problem:
I do a selective deletion on a Standard- DSO by using the function module 'RSDRD_SEL_DELETION'.
But, i want to be able to do a ROLLBACK WORK after a successfull run of this function module.
But the Problem is, in case of succefull deletion, the function module set a COMMIT WORK by FM 'RSDU_DB_COMMIT.
The COMMIT is set only for condition 'executes a database commit exept if the program runs in update task'
FUNCTION rsdu_db_commit . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *" executes a database commit exept if the program runs in update task *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: l_flg_update_task LIKE sy-subrc. CALL FUNCTION 'TH_IN_UPDATE_TASK' IMPORTING in_update_task = l_flg_update_task. IF l_flg_update_task = 0. EXEC SQL. COMMIT WORK ENDEXEC. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.
But i want to avoid this COMMIT here.
I have to do the selective Deletion in DSO1 and DSO2. But BOTH must run succesfull !!!
If selc. deletion for DSO1 run correct, but the second one DSO2 failed, then i have to retrieve the sel. deletion for DSO1.
But it is not possible, because for the DSO1 a COMMIT is executed.
That means, if sel. del for DSO2 failed, then ROLLBACK WORK for all.
How can i achieve this?
CALL FUNCTION 'RSDRD_SEL_DELETION' EXPORTING i_datatarget = 'DSO_NAME' i_thx_sel = lt_thx_sel * I_DEL_ACTIV = RS_C_TRUE * I_DEL_UPDATE = RS_C_FALSE * I_DEL_CHANGE = RS_C_FALSE i_authority_check = rs_c_false * i_mode = rsdrd_c_mode * I_REQDELMOD = '2' * I_THRESHOLD = '0.1' * I_PARALLEL_DEGREE = 1 * I_NO_LOGGING = RS_C_FALSE i_no_commit = abap_true i_no_enqueue = rs_c_true * I_SHOW_REPORT = RS_C_FALSE * I_TRANSACTIONAL_ODS = RS_C_FALSE * I_WORK_ON_PARTITIONS = RS_C_FALSE * I_REBUILD_BIA = RS_C_FALSE * I_WRITE_APPLICATION_LOG = RS_C_FALSE * I_ARCHIVED = RS_C_FALSE IMPORTING e_cnt = lv_cnt CHANGING c_t_msg = lt_msg EXCEPTIONS x_message = 1 inherited_error = 2 invalid_type = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here ROLLBACK WORK. ENDIF.