Hello all,
I know about the concept of line-item dimensions. I re-designed a cube and tested the performance. There was just one InfoObject, which was worth it to put into a line-item dimension (dimension had 10% lines of facttable). Nevertheless imho I defined 5 more line-items, because it must be faster (and for testing purposes of course). I copied the query with rszc so I had the same query on both infoproviders. Statistic is up-to-date for both infoproviders. No Aggregates are defined.
Both cubes have exactly the same amount of data in facttable (24 Million; using se38 --> SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS). I executed both queries using rsrt (use no cache). Guess what: The Query using the -line-item-cube was 60s slower (320s. vs. 380s.)
How comes? If line-item is applicable or not apllicable in my case: What can be the reason, that line-item downgrade performance?
PS: Example of a new line-item-infoobject: GTIN/EANUPC. The InfoCube/ Dimension contains only 8.000 distinct GTIN/EANUPC. But the SID-Table if this Infoobject GTIN/EANUPC contains more than 100.000 entries. So, I defined GTIN/EANUPC as line-item dimension. Why can this be slower?