Hi All,
This is my first post.
The issue is about missing data in the cube.
There are 2 records in the DSO activation queue and these 2 records are not present in the change log.
Only 1 record among these 2 records from the DSO are present in the cube.
Actions taken from my end
1) checked the change log to find whether data is present matching these 2 product id's and found 0 records matching the product id
2) checked the info cube selective deletion log to find whether data was selectively deleted from the cube and found no entries pertaining to these
product ids
3) Checked the transformation between DSO and cube to see if any routines are there and found no field or start routines and all the fields have
just direct mapping to it
My question
1) In what other cases does the data gets not loaded to the cube
2) How to check the date on which the record was loaded to the DSO ( I mean the missing record loaded date)
3) In what scenarios the data will be present in the DSO activation queue and not in the change log
All inputs and suggestion are welcome
Kind Regards,