Hi RA,
1) Do you have filters defined in DTP level, may these filters might have stopped loading those two records.
2) Do you have Calday in your DSO mapping, if you have you can check in activation queue of respective record date. Or have you mapped BW load date field in your DSO. Or if you have month , take the key field value(example doc number.) and pass it into PSA requests one after the other until you get the two records(check the PSA requests of only the month you get in activation queue of those two records). You need to put some manual effort here.
3) I think you have a process to delete change log for a certain period of time.
What is the update mode(full/delta) you are using to load from DSO to Cube.
Is KF values(like amount/quantity) are matching irrespective of number records between DSO and Cube.
Hope it helps.