I am trying to load data from a standard DSO (source DSO) into an another standard DSO (target DSO) while looking up data from a write optimized DSO(lookup DSO). In the source DSO I am getting one record per employee and looking up 60 records per employee and appending the result package in the end routine so that I will have 60 records in the target DSO.
The below code works fine in BI 7.0 but I am unable to use the same code to load in BI 7.4 SP4. Is there is a new setting I need to set at the DSO or DTP level so that I can load the data into the target DSO, Please advise. I have even generated a sequence per row in the end routine and tried loading it but I am getting same key issue to load the data.
Appending part of the end routine code:
APPEND <result_fields> TO result_package_t.
RESULT_PACKAGE[] = result_package_t[].
I have even tried using the appending one record at a time instead of all 60 records into the result package. But still the same key issue to load.
LOOP AT result_package_t ASSIGNING <result_fields>.
Error Message while executing the DTP:
Messages for 1 data records saved; request is red acc. to configuration
Message Text
Duplicate data record detected (DS SUR_O02 , data package: 000001 , data record: 1 )
Message Class
Number 19
Long Text
During loading, there was a key violation. You tried to save more than one data record with the same semantic key.
The problematic (newly loaded) data record has the following properties:
o DataStore object: XXXXXX
o Request: 467358
o Data package: 000001
o Data record number: 1