we are getting data from external system into BW, for one of the fields ZSTITL_NM - Song Title we are getting ! sign at the start i.e. we are
trying to load the value !PREACHER'S DAUGHTER into the cube.
however the load seems to be failing with the below error. "You are trying to load the invalid characteristic value !PREACHER'S
DAUGHTER & (hexidecimal representation 21005000520045004100430048004500520027005300200044)."
we have even tried loading the data with the value ALL_CAPITAL_PLUS_HEX in RSKC but we are getting the same error.
we have also tried checking and unchecking the "Lowercase Letters" in the infoObject, but we get the same error.
I have attached a document with all the error screen shots for the same.
Error Message in DTP while loading the data to the cube: