Imagine this is how we are going to see data in analysis for excel:
namecomp1 ratiocomp1 namecomp2 ratiocomp2 namecomp3 ratiocomp3
word1 3 word3 11
word4 4
word3 21 word2 54 word1 13
and I want to filter by namecomp and get only rows where namecomp="word1", the result would be:
namecomp1 ratiocomp1 namecomp2 ratiocomp2 namecomp3 ratiocomp3
word1 3
word1 13
now I have to filter the three characteristics (namecomp1, namecomp2 and namecomp3) by
"word1" in case I want to get only "word1". What I'm looking for is a characteristic which filtered by "word1" then filters the other three at the same time and with the same filter.
I don't know if it possible.
Thanks again.