Hi All,
I am working on a BW 7.4 SP11 system, which is connected to a Sybase IQ NLS system. Data in a DSO is archived and there are still few records in active table of the DSO (I mean data is in both BW Active table & NLS system).
When i try to use the API cl_rsda_infoprov_query=>select to read the data from the infoprovider, i am getting only the records in active table of the DSO and it is not reading the data from NLS. I mean the API call is behaving similar to SELECT query. Below is the code i am trying to use, without any filters.
If I pass I_STORAGE_SELECTION = 'N', to read only NLS data, the API call doesn't bring any data in the output.
CALL METHOD cl_rsda_infoprov_query=>select
i_infoprov = c_infoprovider
c_t_data = lt_flexemp.
CATCH cx_rsda_input_invalid
*Error handling
Any pointers on the above would be of great help.
Thanks & Regards,