Hi everyone,
i loaded data 0FI_AP_4 to a cube in BW then i have checked data and i found that there is an inconsistency between 0FI_AP_4 and FBL1N
For datasource 0FI_AP_4 i filter value:
company code: 1100
Status of item: Open item
Special GL trans type: (blank- normal items)
Currency: EUR
==> then i calculate sum of Debit/credit amount: 9.950.000
and for the data which i extracted from FBL1N, i fillter the same value:
companycode: from 1100 to 1100
Open item (open at key date: 06.07.2016)
type: normal items
Document currency: EUR
==> then i calculate sum of amount in local currency: 9.000.000
i am working on BW and R3 Development system. the Data in R3 Development system was copied last month from Test system. so there no new record this Month. i have checked the data in 0FI_AP_4 in R3 and BW and they are the same.
i don't know why there is the difference in amount between 0FI_AP_4 in BW and FBL1N in R3. they should be the same because i filtered the same value.
Can you please help me?