Dear All,
I need to load data for 0FIGL_C01 & 0FIGL_C02 Infocube. These 2 cube are getting data from 0FI_GL_6 & 0FI_GL_7.
When i checked in ECC these 2 datsources are getting the data from GLT0 table, but the table is empty.
To fill the data to the table i need to do some settings in ECC ( SPRO --> Deactivating the OLD GL). I checked with the client they are using the new GL not the classic GL. But I am just trying this for the testing purpose, so i don't want to change any setting in ECC.
I do read that 0FI_GL_10 & 0FI_GL_14 has the same features of the old datasources. I need to know can i use the any of this datasource's by replacing the 0FI_GL_6 & 0FI_GL_7, will it satisfy by requirement or any data discrepancy will be there.
Kindly help me to understand this flow.
Suman T